Participate. Compete. Grow.

Football, soccer, field hockey, cheering, golf, cross-country … basketball, ice hockey, swimming, indoor track … tennis, softball, baseball, outdoor track and field …
Did you find the sport for you? At John Bapst, a wide array of offerings bring students together from all over Greater Bangor and from around the world. During any given school year there will be over 300 students participating on at least one interscholastic team. We love the individual growth and fitness and the team spirit that John Bapst sports promote.
A big athletic program like John Bapst’s takes leadership. Athletic Director Dan O’Connell, a college standout in football supervises more than 40 coaches and assistants to ensure ongoing communication between participants, coaches, parents, and the school.
The philosophy of the John Bapst athletic program is to provide a safe, healthy learning environment and to provide the appropriate level of athletic competition in as many different sports as possible for girls and boys. Our program embraces this philosophy and provides for individual differences. In addition, the opportunity exists for each student-athlete to strive for and reach his or her set goals.
All students who are academically eligible, demonstrate good school citizenship, and have met school requirements (sports fee and paperwork) may try out for any sport. Many criteria ultimately go into coaches’ decisions about team membership and participation. Especially at the varsity level, John Bapst sports are competitive.
The ultimate goal of the athletic department is to teach the values of character, teamwork, hard work, discipline, and commitment. Good character, respect for others, and respect for the efforts of others are also goals of the John Bapst Athletic Department.
We look forward to your participation and support. If you have any questions about athletics at John Bapst, call Dan (207-947-0313 ext. 225; from 7:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. on most weekdays. We are proud of our programs and welcome your questions and suggestions.